NEST  2.6.0,not_revisioned_source_dir@0
Namespaces | Functions
cg_connect.cpp File Reference


 Class representing a synapse with Hill short term plasticity.


void nest::cg_connect (ConnectionGeneratorDatum &cg, RangeSet &sources, index source_offset, RangeSet &targets, index target_offset, DictionaryDatum params_map, index syn)
void nest::cg_connect (ConnectionGeneratorDatum &cg, RangeSet &sources, std::vector< long > &source_gids, RangeSet &targets, std::vector< long > &target_gids, DictionaryDatum params_map, index syn)
void nest::cg_set_masks (ConnectionGeneratorDatum &cg, RangeSet &sources, RangeSet &targets)
 Set the masks on the ConnectionGenerator cg. More...
void nest::cg_create_masks (std::vector< ConnectionGenerator::Mask > *masks, RangeSet &sources, RangeSet &targets)
 Create the masks for sources and targets based on the contiguous ranges given in sources and targets. More...
index nest::cg_get_right_border (index left, size_t step, std::vector< long > &gids)
 Calculate the right border of the contiguous range of gids starting at left. More...
void nest::cg_get_ranges (RangeSet &ranges, std::vector< long > &gids)
 Determine all contiguous ranges found in a given vector of gids and add the ranges to the given RangeSet. More...