Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:71
Definition of Archiving_Node which is capable of recording and managing a spike history.
const Name receptor_type("receptor_type")
Connection parameters.
Definition: nest_names.h:240
void handle(SpikeEvent &)
Handle incoming spike events.
const Name d("d")
Specific to Izhikevich 2003.
Definition: nest_names.h:83
RingBuffer in_currents
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:96
static RecordablesMap< relaxos_van_der_pol > recordablesMap_
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:111
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:36
double_t IPSP_
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:75
double_t y
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:84
void calibrate()
Re-calculate dependent parameters of the node.
Event for electrical currents.
Definition: event.h:420
long_t rport
Connection port number to distinguish incoming connections, also called receiver port.
Definition: nest.h:147
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:102
double_t y_init
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:76
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:91
Map names of recordables to data access functions.
Definition: recordables_map.h:58
Definition: nest_time.h:130
Buffers_ B_
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:108
void init_state_(const Node &)
Private function to initialize the state of a node to model defaults.
Parameters_ P_
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:106
void update(Time const &, const long_t, const long_t)
Bring the node from state $t$ to $t+n*dt$.
const Name target("target")
Connection parameters.
Definition: nest_names.h:282
State_ S_
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:107
double_t EPSP_
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:74
void set_status(const DictionaryDatum &)
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:145
void get_status(DictionaryDatum &) const
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:139
a node which archives spike history for the purposes of timing dependent plasticity ...
Definition: archiving_node.h:50
friend class UniversalDataLogger< relaxos_van_der_pol >
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:69
long_t port
Connection port number to distinguis outgoing connections.
Definition: nest.h:155
virtual void handle(SpikeEvent &e)
Handle incoming spike events.
Definition: node.cpp:198
double double_t
Double precision floating point numbers.
Definition: nest.h:93
RingBuffer in_spikes
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:97
virtual port handles_test_event(SpikeEvent &, rport receptor_type)
Check if the node can handle a particular event and receptor type.
Definition: node.cpp:203
double_t I_ext_
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:73
Request data to be logged/logged data to be sent.
Definition: event.h:486
unsigned char synindex
Unsigned char type for enumerations of synapse types.
Definition: nest.h:115
port send_test_event(Node &, rport, synindex, bool)
Send an event to the receiving_node passed as an argument.
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:115
double set(DictionaryDatum &)
Default types used by the NEST kernel.
Event for spike information.
Definition: event.h:320
Base class for all NEST network objects.
Definition: node.h:96
double_t Mu_
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:72
double_t Y_init
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:103
Buffers_(relaxos_van_der_pol &)
Variables V_
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:109
long long_t
Integer number with at least 32 bit.
Definition: nest.h:96
void init_buffers_()
Private function to initialize the buffers of a node.
double set(const DictionaryDatum &)
RingBuffer ex_currents
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:95
UniversalDataLogger< relaxos_van_der_pol > logger_
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:99
Buffer Layout.
Definition: ring_buffer.h:77
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:83
port handles_test_event(SpikeEvent &, rport)
Check if the node can handle a particular event and receptor type.
Definition: relaxos_van_der_pol.h:121